Devi Ji laid the foundation stone of the Braj Gopika Seva Mission, a non-profitable and charitable society, in the year 1998. Situated at around 65 km away from Bhubaneswar (The capital city of Odisha) and 30 Km from Chilika Lake (the world's largest brackish water body), the campus is spread over 40 acres of land. Later in the year 2002, it was inaugurated by Her Spiritual master Jagadguruttam Swami Shri Kripalu Ji Maharaj. Since then, Braj Gopika Dham got drenched with the immense love and blessings of Shri Kripalu Ji Maharaj by His personal presence every year till 2011. Amidst the cradle of nature, Braj Gopika Dham symbolises the venerated form of rendering exclusive service to her beloved Gurudev Shri Kripalu Ji Maharaj. The establishment of Braj Gopika Dham laid the pedestal of golden step towards her journey of spirituality and human welfare. Locals of this region are of the view that the place where Ashram is being located , once used to be the place of meditative contemplation of many great spiritual practitioners.
In the year 2004, the foundation stone of Jagadguru Kripalu Dham was laid in Jagannath Puri , Odisha, aiming at becoming the centre stage of primarily propagating the supreme syncretic principle of 'Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam' (which means this whole world is one family and all people are the members of that single family) promoted by the fifth original Jagadguru Swami Shri Kripalu Ji Maharaj. Furthermore, this holy land of lord Jagannath puri can be established as a unique place in contemporary time where all religious and spiritual thought- currents shall conflate into a harmonious stream of love divine.
The next establishment was made in the year 2009, by laying the foundation stone of Bhakti Dham on the holy bank of the Ganges in Navadwip Dham, West Bengal, with the aim of sustaining the flow of Bhakti/devotion that was propagated by Shri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu around 500 years ago and simultaneously, by Shri Kripalu ji Maharaj in the 20th-21st century so that people would not veer from their main objective of human life and stay connected with the path of devotion.
The fourth establishment of the mission is Kripalu Kunj in Darjeeling, which is situated at an altitude of 800 meters above mean sea level. Kripalu Kunj is a unique centre for spiritual practice, which visualises the visitors a rare sight of sacred beauty of Kanchenjunga.
All these centres at Puri, Navadwip, and Darjeeling, including the original centre at Braj Gopika Dham administered by BGSM, are the flag bearers of the syncretic principle under the auspices of H.H Raseshwari Devi ji. This is her pledge to take tormented souls into the exhilarating experience of novelty of life with a new dimension of hope, aspiration and innate feeling of divinity. The only objective of these centeres are to spread peace, happiness, and promote the unique Vedic philosophy of Kishna Consciousness across the globe which she learnt under the direct tutelage of Jagadguttam Shri Kripalu ji Maharaj.
Founding BGSM
It was in April 2002, Shri Maharaj Ji graced Braj Gopika Dham, Tangi with his divine presence. The first sentence dropped from his lips was "This is a befitting place for SADHANA (Spiritual practice)". Shri Maharaj Ji time and again blessed the land with his repeated visits every single year that followed. It was a rare achievement for the seekers to have unique opportunity of doing SADHANA under Shri Maharaj Ji's direct guidance during that period. During these years, Shri Maharaj Ji completed the construction of exemplary divine monuments such as Bhakti Mandir and Bhakti Bhawan (Sadhana Hall) in Mangarh Dham complex and Prem Mandir, a unique symbol of supreme love in Vrindavan Dham; which manifested due to the unflinching cooperation by many devotees by dedicating their body, mind and wealth, inspired by Devi Ji. Her selfless service and utmost dedication for her Guru substantiates to the world that serving the Guru with body, mind and wealth is the ultimate goal of life. The comprehensive welfare of seekers/devotees is possible only by staying in the refuge of an authentic Guru and following his teachings. Raseshwari Devi Ji’s dedication for Guru is an exemplary and unique ideal of Guruseva (service to Guru) in the contemporary time.